Sustainability in Business

Sustainable Business Practice

*Please note that this article provides general information only and will not be applicable in all circumstances, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice. Should you wish to obtain legal advice, we recommend that you get in touch with us.

Sustainability is on the rise, consumers and clients are demanding more from their products and services and want to support businesses with one eye on the future. And, it’s for very good reason.

Taking a step in a more sustainable direction is something every business should be doing. Let’s take a look at the considerations and small strides you can implement to become more climate-conscious.

What does it mean to be a sustainable business practice?

Sustainability in business means that decision-makers consider the impact of their actions and work to minimise the effects the operation of their business has on the environment and the local and broader community. Responsible business practices also instil behaviours and prioritise opportunities that have a positive impact on society.  

A common myth is that businesses that prioritise sustainability must do so at the expense of profit. This is untrue – sustainability is about running your business in a way that is not harmful to the environment, which ultimately lays the framework for long-term growth.

Why should my business pursue sustainability?

There are several key reasons why you should look to implement sustainable practices within your business. Namely:

  • Protecting the environment – The most obvious rationale for becoming a sustainable business is to mitigate harm to the environment. The effects of global warming are already becoming clear, and much of this has been caused by corporate activity. While it may not seem like a small business adopting sustainable practices can do much to alleviate global warming, doing so can help change attitudes and create a ripple effect throughout society.

  • Timing – In normal times, organisational change was difficult due to inertia – firms would typically be unwilling to transition to new practices due to the effort and risk this would entail. A silver lining of COVID-19 is that it has forced a major disruption in working practices and business operations, which presents a unique opportunity for businesses to transition to a new, sustainable ‘normal’.

  • Profitability – Pursuing sustainable practices can lead to reduced expenses on resources such as electricity, gas, and water, which in turn can increase a business’s profitability. 

  • Reputation – As climate change becomes more of an issue, clients, staff, and investors will be more likely to factor this into their decisions. As such, socially conscious businesses will be better able to attract new employees, investment opportunities, and clients, in turn helping their profitability.

How can my business become sustainable?

There are a number of ways in which your business can become more sustainable. The important thing is to plan ahead and start small. This may be through switching to renewable energy sources such as solar, or encouraging or incentivising employees to catch public transport into the office instead of driving.

It can also be helpful to partner with suppliers and clients who are also engaging in sustainable practices, helping you to build a network of corporate connections who share your green philosophy.

Making a sustainability pledge

Finally, many businesses are choosing to cement their sustainability pledge by becoming a B Corp. B Corp certification denotes that a business is committed to meeting strong social and environmental standards, through demonstrating a proven track record, and legally enshrining this pledge into their corporate governance documents such as their company constitution.

Your first steps

Ready to get started? Here are some small changes you can implement, work towards, and feel good about.

  • Reduce your waste

  • Set goals, reach them, then set new ones

  • Minimise printing

  • Prioritise recycling

  • Use local and sustainable suppliers

  • Use sustainable materials and packaging

  • Dedicate to the cause, find a charity that supports your goals

  • Consider energy-efficient upgrades

  • Partner with local businesses

  • Buy carbon offsets

Our stance

At Merton, we are passionate about business for good and are a proud partner of Ripple Surf Coast.
Ripple is a committee made up of local businesses and certified B Corporations with representatives from Patagonia, Bellroy, Happy Spaces, Cherished Pets, Two Sparrow, SJ Coaching, and Happy Souls by Jacintha. We host events and networking activities focused on sustainable business and the new economy.

Together we empower the ecosystem and better the world through business.

How we can help you

Merton Lawyers has assisted many businesses with obtaining B Corp certification and embarking on a sustainability journey. Please get in touch to book a complimentary meeting and discuss how we can assist you.

Author, Brittany Hansen.

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