Merton Journal

At Merton, understanding starts by arming you with tools and resources to better navigate your next steps in law, business and life.

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The Merton Monthly: March

Last month, Merton Lawyers had the opportunity to attend various events, including SXSW Going Global Presentation, North Carolina's Economic Development Briefing, and Melbourne's Innovation Bay Community Drinks.

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The Merton Monthly: December

As we approach the end of 2024, we would like to thank you all for your ongoing support and share our final update for this year.
We want to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and happy holiday season and a joyful New Year.

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Recent reform to unfair contract terms laws

Amendments to the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), contained in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth) (ASIC Act) were passed in October 2022 to the effect that making a standard form contract which contains unfair terms, or relying on an unfair term is now illegal.  

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The Merton Monthly: July

Last month, there was a lot of activity at the Merton Lawyers' office, with the team celebrating successes, achieving career milestones, and attending a variety of exciting events!

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The Merton Monthly: June

Last month, we were pleased to welcome three new members to the Merton team. We also visited the US and celebrated our Managing Partner, Anthony Curtin, who was named a finalist in two categories for the 2024 Lawyers Weekly Partner of the Year Awards.

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Litigation Merton Lawyers Litigation Merton Lawyers

Case Study: Is it a Licence or a Lease?

The Litigation Team at Merton Lawyers recently acted for the Respondent in the Supreme Court of Appeal matter of Lanshan Pty Ltd (ACN 159 606 818) v F3 Enterprises Pty Ltd (ACN 163 104 578) [2024] VSCA 59. This proceeding was heard on appeal following our client’s success in the earlier County Court of Victoria Proceeding (also conducted by Merton Litigation Head Nick McKenzie-McHarg) Lanshan Pty Ltd v F3 Enterprises Pty Ltd [2022] VCC 1850.

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The Merton Monthly: April

Last month, the Merton team had the opportunity to attend multiple events, including the Asena Family Office Launch and a thought-provoking panel discussion on Capital Raising in the US.

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SAFE Notes Explained

SAFE is an acronym for simple agreement for future equity. Like the name suggests, a SAFE Note is an equity financing instrument designed to accelerate the seed funding round for startups. It is a short, standard document used by entrepreneurs and investors as an alternative to convertible debt.

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Cofounder Agreements: the most underrated document in the startup ecosystem 

Cofounder agreements are perhaps the most underrated document in the startup ecosystem. It is not uncommon for a startup to be reluctant to spend money on lawyers in the early stages. Why spend money on drafting agreements when there isn’t any money coming in yet?

But antagonism between cofounders can be the difference between the failure or success of your startup. According to Noam Wassermann, author of The Founder’s Dilemma, 65% of startups fail due to founder conflict.

That’s where a cofounder agreement comes in.

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