The Year in Review: 2021

Cityscape of Melbourne

As 2021 comes to a close, we’re looking back on an unforgettable year for many reasons. As a community, we encountered many twists and turns, but as a business one thing remained steady, our focus.


Our achievements would not be possible without our incredible staff. This year we greeted new leaders, welcomed back familiar faces, and saw internal growth within the Merton walls. Our reliable team is what holds up the trusted Merton Lawyers name. We want to thank each and every one of you and look forward to a new year ahead filled with success, growth, and opportunity.

The efforts of our team were met with exciting firm growth. We began the year by unveiling our new Melbourne office in Hawthorn. Then expanded into Queensland and established another home in Brisbane.

We also launched our Merton Lawyers Private division. Our private client services arm assists individuals and families, providing professional counsel and personal understanding to navigate life’s most significant moments.

Throughout 2021 we had many exciting moments working with innovators and experts. Sharing knowledge, appearing on panels, and lighting a path for young startups with huge potential.

While events were sometimes unachievable, the ones that were able to go ahead made up for it. Inviting the extended Merton Lawyers family, we celebrated our new head office with all that have taken part in the journey.

Adapting to the times, virtual events took place allowing people to enjoy gin tastings and cocktail nights from the comfort of their own home thanks to Pangea Global Health Education.

The Brewers Lunch spread their networking events across Victoria and Queensland and we were able to support business as a force for good, thanks to our friends at Ripple Surf Coast.

A warm thank you to all our valued partners and their dedicated work to advocacy and charity. A challenging year was equally balanced by incredible work.

Pangea Global Health Education had many highlights throughout 2021, one being Global Surgery Day. They were hosted and honoured at Government House by Governor The Honourable Linda Dessau AC and Mr Tony Howard AM QC.

The 500 Supporters Group, a cornerstone donor for the Ruben Centre, had an exciting return. Welcoming supporters back to the ‘G’ for their official 2021 AFL Lunch. Our firm have been donors to the 500 Supporters Club over the past 3 years and had the pleasure of attending alongside clients.

Merton Lawyers partnered with SolarBuddy on a pro-bono basis to help put an end to energy poverty. SolarBuddy is an impact organisation uniting a global community to illuminate the futures of all children.

Merton Lawyers were officially recognised as an allied partner to ALARM, a not-for-profit organisation with the primary focus of Aged-care Legal Advocacy & Reform Matter (ALARM). Our team were deemed trusted partners to assist with the redress of injustice to elderly victims.

Thank you once more for your incredible work. We look forward to moving forward with you in 2022.

At Merton Lawyers we connect life and law, to help our clients realise success and grasp every opportunity.

Beyond predictions for the new year, one thing is for sure, our passion, ambition, and commitment will lead the way to success.

From our family to yours, we wish you all a happy and healthy holiday and a successful 2022.

You can stay up to date by following us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for all the latest news and upcoming events.


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The Month in Review: November